Volunteering is an important aspect that affects society’s ability to deal with different types of social challenges and security threats and disasters. That is why we are constantly trying to inspire people about the values ​​of volunteering and engagement in the Red Cross. Volunteering is the basis for community development. Volunteering and volunteerism are the essence of the work of the Red Cross of RNM for more than 75 years.

Volunteering and volunteer service, as a founding principle and driving force of the model and ethos of the organization, represent the direct and closest relationship with communities around the world and enable us social, developmental and humanitarian action to an extent that is not otherwise possible.

Volunteering is the voluntary provision of services inspired only by free will, and not by the desire for material or financial gain that aims to reduce the vulnerability of the population, in accordance with the principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The Red Cross of RNM on a regular basis promotes and implements activities for recruiting and managing an appropriate number of volunteers and members for  implementation of the programs of the national society, providing them with appropriate training, supervision and regular evaluation as well as paying tribute for the contribution of the volunteers, provides insurance, and appropriate equipment and psycho-social support and provides organizational support for the establishment of local structures relevant to the tasks to be carried out by the volunteers.

“When I put on the Red Cross t-shirt, my heart became bigger, my mind and soul wider. “I simply feel better when I am helping other people.” said one of the Red Cross of RNM volunteers

Through the Red Cross branches and the City Red Cross of Skopje we work to motivate volunteering in the organization by developing new, more flexible, open and complementary approaches that will enable us to create a more efficient network of humanitarian workers working for the common good in our local communities.

We work to expand the inclusion and diversity of our volunteers and will enhance our volunteer management approaches, providing a participatory work model and effective support for our volunteers and acknowledging volunteer engagement and work.

We seek to reduce the barriers to volunteering that currently affect certain individuals in society to enable greater volunteer engagement for the elderly, intergenerational cooperation and inclusion of people with disabilities, and other marginalized people who may not have been able to join the Red Cross earlier.

We work to adopt appropriate policies and programs for the management of volunteers and members and systems that are disseminated, generally accepted by the leadership and management of the organization and the volunteers and members.

We place special emphasis on organizing volunteer management trainings for training of the persons responsible for promoting volunteering at local level. We organize trainings for Red Cross orienteers who have an important task in promoting volunteering and membership in the organization at the local level.

Keeping pace with the development of digital technology, the organization has developed and used software for recruiting, monitoring and retaining Red Cross volunteers in order to provide up-to-date information on the organization’s volunteering process. This information provide indicators of the activities we need to take to promote volunteer management activities in various national society programs.

But most importantly, we have many volunteer tasks in which you can get involved in our Red Cross branches / City Red Cross of Skopje, which can fulfill your daily life in the interest of different categories of beneficiaries we serve.

What are our objectives

  • To have motivated volunteers who are inspired and ready to meet the priority needs of vulnerable populations
  • To raise the interest for membership in our organization in order to provide public support for the activities of the Red Cross.
  • We are constantly working on upgrading the capacities of our volunteers by providing appropriate training for personal development and implementation of the activities of the Red Cross.


We rely on the experiences and competencies of the volunteers of the Red Cross of RNM in designing and implementation of our humanitarian activities in order to be united in our planning, directions and desired progress.

A place for everyone. Our human resources are our driving force. Whether you are a teenager and want to learn what it means to be a young humanitarian, or you are older and continue to give your contribution in the Red Cross branches / CRC Skopje – we appreciate your support and we need you very much. As we progress together, there are opportunities for everyone to be involved in our work. The future is bright for the Red Cross of RNM – together, by mobilizing the power of humanity, we improve the lives of vulnerable populations and strengthen the resilience of our communities.

Would you like to help us to make a difference? Does what you read in inspires you to do something? If so, join the Red Cross of RNM and be part of the largest humanitarian movement.

Become a member of the Red Cross of RNM. Become our volunteer.

Visit our web page:, and discover what we work. Join us!