The organizational structure of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia is set at the national level, the level of the city of Skopje, the division of the entire territory into 33 Red Cross branches and on grass root level. The work of the organization is based on a clearly defined division and role of the management and governing structure. The governing structure is represented by volunteers and membership where through precisely defined mechanisms they participate in decision-making processes, policies, strategic commitments and resolving issues that are of essential and functional interest for the organization. From the ranks of the membership, assemblies are established at all organizational levels from the ranks of which the President, the Vice-President and the Governing Board members are elected, while additionally the financial commission and other advisory bodies of the organizational form are elected. The governing structure has a four-year term in which the organization ensures that it is always consistent with the role entrusted to it by the national authorities as well as maintaining the reputation within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The management structure is set up through the employees and professionally engaged persons in the organization. The Secretary General at the national level, ie the secretaries at the level of the City of Skopje and the branch organizations, together with the staff, are responsible for efficient and effective fulfillment of the adopted decisions and creation of conditions for the volunteers to deliver their services to the target groups. In close cooperation, the volunteers, the members and the staff represent the pillars of the organization on which the success story of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia is based.